Jan 28, 2009

Boats from Generous Hearts

In 2005, POHD - the Penang Office for Human Development - a ministry of a Penang Church, went to the rescue of 8 fishermen families, whose boats and fishing equipment were destroyed in the 26th December 2004 Tsunami in Langkawi, Malaysia and whose homes were destroyed in a fire that broke out a month later.

The 2 men team, comprising Vincent Lim and Joachim were brought to Taman Nilam, where the fishermen were temporarily staying and interviewed several families. Both men went back to Penang and worked throughout the night.

In 2 short days, they managed to raise RM30,000 for the purchase of 8 boats and fishing equipments. Eight families were selected to receive the boats and fishing equipments.

The 1st photo shows Vincent Lim with the receipents of the boats after a kenduri in one of their house.

The 2nd photo shows Zakaria Mohd in his new boat.

The 3rd photo shows 3 of the fishermen with a bountiful catch of kingsize prawns from a day's catch in their new boats.

The 4th photo shows the size of the prawns caught.

The 5th photo shows 4 of the new boats and their receipents.

Thank you POHD and thank you Malaysians for your generosity in rebuilding these fishermen's lives!

Vicki Mah, Social Worker

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