Jan 28, 2009

Prostitution, Rape, Stealing and Other Crimes

Many crimes would have been prevented if children were properly educated before they became adults and part of our society. We are to blamed. Parents especially have a big role to play in this, failing which, teachers should be trained to teach such moral subjects in schools.

Instead subjects like sex eduction are taboos - parents and teachers go red in the face, get tongue tied when their children or students ask about the birds and the bees.

The impression that we get is that it is something dirty and not to be spoken of. Why is this so when God created sex as a wonderful thing for love and reproduction?

A 12 year old girl noticed bloodstains on her panties when she was in the school toilet. It had also stained the back of her school uniform. She was so embarrassed but did not know what is happening and what to do. She rushed home and fashioned a sort of napkin to staunch the flow. Her mum came to know about this and only then did the mother inform the daughter about menstrual periods that girls get when they come into womanhood.

Many teenagers are terribly curious about sex. Without proper education they try all sorts of way to satisfy their curiosity about sex through pornographic materials, through the internet and in pirated CD and DVD shops, pornographic movies are bundled into black plastic bags and sold over the counter to anyone who ask for them.

Not surprising also, most clients of pornography are top police officers who got theirs free for not raiding that particular shop or for informing the dealer of an imminent raid.

Where prostitution is concerned, would any respectable girl or woman in her right mind offer her body for sell? Exposing herself to humilation, diseases and injuries in the process? If there was no demand, there would be no supply. People think of prostitutes as dirt, but have they considered why that "prostitute" was in that trade in the first place?

Men think of sex all the time, and when they cannot get it by normal means, they try other means :

Sandra (not her real name), was trying to obtain finances to start her business. She did not have collateral so banks are out. Someone introduced her to some influential people who deals in venture capital. The Datuk arranged a dinner with a group of his colleagues at a service apartment. After dinner, the Datuk told her that the amount needed was peanuts and she would a a cheque for it if she agreed to sleep with him...

Molly (not her real name), was working from home. One evening she called her architect to her home to discuss the plans for her new office. He came nursing a bad cold. In kindness, Molly offered him a tot of brandy to help his condition. Molly also poured herself some. They discuss the plans and then Molly had to answer the call of nature. When she came out, they finalized their discussion and finished their drinks... not knowing that her drink was spiked. That was the last thing Molly knew. When she came to the next morning, she found herself naked and raped ...

Tina (not her real name), wanted to migrate to Japan. She gave notice to her landlord saying that she also wanted to dispose of her apartment furnitures. Her landlord brought over his friend who had shown interest to take over the lease of the apartment and wanted to buy some furnitures as well. A viewing was arranged. In the apartment over drinks, the landlord, his friend and another acquaintance drugged Tina's drink and raped her one by one. Though Tina was conscious throughout, she could not put up much resistance as she was unable to move and because one of them had a gun with him...

Many times, it is difficult to find jobs, especially for poor, illiterate people. What can they do? Surely they know that it is wrong to commit stealing and other crimes. I do not believe that they do this because it is the easy and lazy way out. But if for some of them, their families are starving and there are not many who would help, would this not drive them to do something that they know is wrong?

Criminal minds also originate from abuse in early childhood. Who is then to blame?

WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR SOCIETY? We should get to the root of the problems, do something about them and not just point fingers at the wrong parties.

Just think how much money our government would save if there was no necessity to imprision anyone if everyone were to do their part to educate true morals and values to the young early in life.

Vicki Mah, Social Worker

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